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Posted on May 4, 2013 in Flavours | 0 comments

Picolit: an inimitable and rare meditation wine

Picolit: an inimitable and rare meditation wine

The eastern hills of Friuli are both tart and sweet at the same time, spreading out over 70 kilometers (44 miles). The vistas that follow one after the other before the Alpine foothills alternate between wooded areas, tiny towns and rolling hills, where the terracing of vineyards gives evidence of man’s intervention in the area. When you think about it, it’s is nothing short of amazing, the human skill and determination necessary to shape the terrain to accommodate the precious fruits from which, in this case, incredible wines are produced. The heart of the region is Cividale del Friuli, a city that offers rare artistic treasures, just as unique as the wine that comes from the surrounding vineyards, Picolit. In Friuli, a bottle is uncorked for special occasions, while in the rest of Italy, it is most likely seen as an extravagant gesture, given that when one discovers that it is a wine, the reaction is astonishment, ”Really??!!” The production of this wine is extremely limited, just 55 hectares...

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