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Posted on Jun 29, 2013 in Beach and coast, Villages | 0 comments

Villa Jovis on Capri: traces of Tiberius amidst untamed nature and terraces overlooking the sea

Villa Jovis on Capri: traces of Tiberius amidst untamed nature and terraces overlooking the sea

Sometime a certain individual’s character leaves an indelible mark not only through his life and works, but also in a more concrete and tangible manner. Take, for example, Emperor Tiberius. Ancient biographers describe the second emperor of the Julius-Claudius dynasty as an introvert, not inclined to lively social interactions, and even cruel: a rather sad and suspicious person. This is a decidedly negative perspective that does not consider his bravery in battle during his youth, carried out in the shadow of Caesar and Octavius, in which he proved to have a rare military talent. Augustus governed the empire from 14 to 37 A.D. and lived a rather reserved life, whose rule was resolute and peaceful. He decided, by nature of his upbringing and character, to stay away from courtly intrigues and gossip, and lived the last ten years of his reign on the island of Capri, governing the empire far from Rome, with all the risks this involved. We mentioned above that there are places where the heart and...

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Posted on May 16, 2013 in Beach and coast, Villages | 0 comments

Violet Coast and Scilla: where the sea and legends intersect

Violet Coast and Scilla: where the sea and legends intersect

The Violet Coast is a jagged shoreline that, in some places, juts up vertically from the Tyrrhenian Sea, and in others, is gentler, offering beaches, caves and ravines where you can dive into the sea appropriately named for the color. The roads and towns that skirt the coast offer a view of the Aeolian Islands or of Sicily, which, on clear days, seem to gleam just beyond your reach. The Violet Coast extends for 35 kilometers (22 miles) from the Strait of Messina to Palmi. Of all the villages dotting this fascinating shore, Scilla is the one with the most history and splendor, existing in a balance between reality and myth. The name itself has ancient origins. In Greek mythology, Scylla was the sea monster whose top half was that of a woman while the bottom half had one or more tails and six ferocious dogs that were hidden at her waist. Scylla stayed on the peninsula side of the Strait, while on the Sicilian side, there lived another...

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Posted on May 9, 2013 in Beach and coast, Villages | 0 comments

Ponza Island: a wild harbor in the middle of crystal clear waters

Ponza Island: a wild harbor in the middle of crystal clear waters

Don’t be fooled by the fact that this island is not often mentioned as one of Italy’s most beautiful, or that you don’t see it on top-ten lists with stars beside it. Ponza, the largest island in the archipelago that bears its name, is straight out of a fairy tale. Your arrival in the harbor presents one of the most picturesque and surprising vistas you can imagine. Although it was modified in the 1700s, you can still see unmistakable signs of its structure dating back to the Romans. There are numerous other traces of the descendants of Romulus and Remus. Probably the most spectacular of these are the Caves of Pontius Pilate, which can only be reached by the sea. It is a sophisticated fishery, consisting of five pools, of which only one is external while the others are dug into the rock. The pools were used for breeding moray eels, which the Romans considered a delicacy, and is near an enormous Augustan villa. The harbor is the hub...

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