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Posted on Jul 1, 2013 in Bergamo, Cities, Useful Tips | 0 comments

How to visit Bergamo by public transportation

How to visit Bergamo by public transportation

Bergamo is one of the most charming cities in Italy, however a little for shyness a little for modesty, its charme is not fully appreciated. We suggest you to discover this wonderful city slowly, in an old fashioned way, visiting it on foot or by public transportation. The local transport service – ATB – has been running on the territory for more than a century and it offers efficient means of transport in order to tour the city and its province. Using its 18 lines, you can reach 30 municipalities but, almost all, you can move through the city that, as it is known, it is divided into a lower town – the modern one – and an upper town – the ancient one. The cable car is the most extraordinary way to pass from today Bergamo to the quiet medieval one. The most famous and most used cable car has its lower station in via Vittorio Emanuele II 62, whereas the upper station is located in Piazza Mercato...

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Posted on Mar 19, 2013 in Bergamo, Cities, Villages | 0 comments

Crespi: a Unesco World Heritage Jewel

Crespi: a Unesco World Heritage Jewel

Crespi d’Adda is located 18 kilometres (11 miles) from Bergamo. It is a working-class village founded in 1878, completed at the end of the 1920s and has remained unchanged to this day. It is a perfect example of industrial architecture and in 1995, UNESCO named it a World Heritage Site. The Crespi were a family from Busto Arsizio that were in the textile manufacturing business. At the end of the 1800s, Cristoforo Benigno Crespi found the area at the border between the provinces of Bergamo and Milano, where they are divided by the Adda River, and bought the land, re-routed water from a canal to generate power and built the first part of the production facility, the spinning mill. Cristoforo’s son, Silvio, took the project even further. After graduating from university, he travelled and worked in Germany and England. It was in the latter that he discovered the Garden Cities, urban centres where work facilities and residences were adjacent. After he returned to Italy, Silvio applied the Garden Cities...

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