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Posted on Jul 1, 2013 in Bergamo | 0 comments

Discovering Bergamo Museums

Discovering Bergamo Museums

There are cities that have a very rich history to tell and for this reason some pieces of history are collected in museums, in order to safe and show them. There are also museums that try to let us know the modern world thus the activities of the modernity. Nature is already a museum in itself, as such it has to be protected and valorized. Bergamo, in additiond to its open air museum that is the Upper City, holds many treasures and it tries to show them and not to lose their tracks.

Bergamo Museums are both in the Lower City and in the Upper City. One of the most famous is the Accademia Carrara, the art gallery that brings its name from the founder and that owns a catalog of more than 400 works, but unfortunately it is now closed for restoration. For this reason many axhibits takes place in other places as instance the Contemporary Art Gallery called GAMeC, wrapped partner of the Accademia Carrara. At GAMeC there is a permanent exhibition that stores works by Fontana, Radice, Tancredi and the Manzù Collection. Furthermore it provides spaces for exhibitions often made by young talents, it hosts cultural and musical events and it work together with internationl museums. It is settled in the Lower City in Via San Tomaso in front of the art gallery.

In the Upper City there is a great number of museums, both civic and managed by Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia. In Piazza Cittadella there is the Archaeological Museum that safeguards evidences from different Eras. The exhibition itineraries concern the findings occured in the territory of Bergamo belonging to the Prehistory and the Early History, to the Roman Era, to the origin of the city and to the medieval Era farther a small collection of greek and roman sculptures and the Egyptian collection.

In the same building in Piazza Cittadella there is the Enrico Caffi Museum of Natural Science that has a permanent colection of zoology, geology, ethnography and palaeontology and interactive exhibitions.

A small heaven on heart is the “Lorenzo Rota” botanical garden, opened to the public. The main types of flowers and plants are collected in it and theay are not only shown but also safeguarded if they are threatened.

The museum managed by Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia are the Historical Museum, positioned into the Rocca and in San Francesco Monastery, the Museo Donizettiano, the Campanone and the Torre dei Caduti (memorial tower), these last two opened on reservation.

There is the spoilt for choice among Bergamo Museums.

Transfer Aeroporto Bergamo Orio al Serio- Milano

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